Welcome to the July 2018 newsletter from Stella and Rose's Books. The aim of our newsletter is to keep you informed of new information, articles and books available on our website.
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At the risk of sounding like a tabloid headline from the 1980s, Phew, what a scorcher! Even the lush Wye Valley is beginning to look a tad roasted during a British summer that has been, well, a summer. Here in Wales some people are even beginning to speak wistfully about rain... Who'd have thought it? But despite the temptation to de-camp to a Wye-side cafe, stock-recording must go on... look out for new Rupert, Transport, Topography and School Story collections!
I like stained glass and I've always wanted to have a go at making something out of it. So when I saw a course advertised locally, which was spread over 3.5 days and involved designing and making a stained glass panel, I jumped at the opportunity and eagerly booked a place.
I arrived for the first session on Saturday afternoon excited and anxious. Excited because I like to try new crafts (I've been on a few one day craft courses before) but equally anxious because I wasn't sure if I would have the necessary ability or skill...
A Sample of New Stock
This signed limited edition copy, illustrated by Edward Roper F.R.G.S. and published in 1894, called to me on two levels as I wandered the aisles of our Special Book Room. The first way it caught my eye was simply that my daughter works in The Peak District and as soon as I opened it I was captivated by the language used.
In the preface the author writes:
“I have purposely omitted describing many details, because I wish them to come as pleasant and un-expected scenes to those whom these pages may induce to pay a visit to this handsome valley” ...
Recent additions include:
...and many more!
Who can resist a Puffin? Skomer Island, off the Pembrokeshire coast.
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