Sammy's Diary
‘A Day In The Life’…no,
‘A Year In the Day’…no, not quite right,
‘A Life In the Year’… oh dear ...
Mummy says Stop Woofling and Get On With It! So here goes – ‘The Amazing, Breathtaking, Colourful…’ no stoppit – ‘Some Adventures From The Diary of a Swedish Vallhund’ (That’s me – Sammy! And this is all about when I was a baby and first came to live with my new Mummy and Daddy…)

Sunday 27th July
Today my new Mummy and Daddy came to take me to my new home. I was a bit frighted, leaving my doggy mummy and brothers and sisters and going off in a big grey box with wheels on and I did cry a bit but Mummy cuddled me and that was so nice I fell asleep. It took such a long time to get to my new home, Mummy and Daddy stopped half way to let me get out for a break and a drink of water. There were lots more big boxes on wheels, more people than I’ve ever seen before, miles of grass and everything was so interesting I just kept looking and looking. When we reached home I found a lovely new crate and pen, all of my own. My pen is my own play space with my crate where I sleep, my water bowl and a tray for me to use for wee and poo. I have lots of new toys, a ball, a rope, a bone and some chew toys. Then Mummy and Daddy put me in my pen in the garden – I wasn’t very happy about that and shouted to let Mummy know. Lots of visitors (Aunties, Uncles and Neighbours) came to meet me and play with me. I loved playing tug of war with Daddy and my rope. At the end of the day I was so tired I fell asleep on Daddy’s feet.

Monday 28th July
I woke up this morning to find I was in my crate, I was very pleased to see Mummy and Daddy – I was a bit worried they had left me on my own. They were soooo pleased I’d done a wee and poo in my tray! (where else did they think I would do it??) After breakfast I went out in my rucksack to see a nice lady in a white coat (found out she’s called “The Vet”). She gave me some treats and looked at all my important bits – she said I’m very healthy! She gave me a jab which I didn’t really notice – I was too busy eating the treats she gave me! Then we went shopping to the garden centre where I saw fish in tanks, then to the pet shop to buy me what Mummy called a collar and lead, and the farmers shop where Mummy bought me a new toy – a pink sheep that squeaks!! I couldn’t wait to get home to play with my pink sheep. Then Mummy put the collar round my neck – it’s a nasty itchy thing, I was scratch, scratch, scratch all the time! Daddy made me another new toy from socks and a tie. It’s great fun to chase, shake and chew. I was so worn out from all the excitement of shopping and playing, I went to sleep in my crate straight away – perhaps it’s not so bad after all.

Tuesday 29th July
Today I was introduced to everyone in the bookshop, including Bruno who is a Big Springer Spaniel and who growled at me! I had lots of fuss from everyone else. Back at home Mummy made a new toy this time – a ball with a tail made from socks! More fun to chase and chew. I went ‘sploring in the garden by myself for the first time. Daddy was very pleased and proud ‘cos I found my own way out to the garden for a wee and poo!

Wednesday 30th July
Aunty Maria came to see me today – lots of fuss and games. Mummy gave me a cardboard box to keep my toys in but it’s much more fun to play in the box myself. I found if I sit nicely in front of Mummy she gives me treats! She also makes a noise with a clicker thing – when I hear the click I know I get a treat! She keeps calling Sammy so I think that must be my name!
Thursday 31st July
Helen came today – she makes lots of noise with the cleaner so I played in the garden with Daddy. Mummy was fighting with the broom so I helped to chase it and kill it! Daddy was making things in the garden so I helped with that too. I went shopping in my rucksack again, had a ride in the car first (that’s the big square thing with wheels). There were lots of noisy things on wheels and lots of people which means lots of fuss. In and out of shops we went – lots of things to look at. Another very busy day.

Friday 1st August
Went to see Auntie Lorna – great fun. I chased her round and round the garden. I discovered apples on the ground– (nice to lick). I woofed at the tortoises in the lounge (Mummy told me I was silly as they weren’t real!) Lorna’s pussycat appeared for a second and disappeared again – perhaps she was frightened of the tortoises! Lorna gave me a lovely new doggie toy chase and chew. I was so tired I was glad to get home to my crate for a long snooze.
Saturday 2nd August
Went for walk – well Mummy and Daddy walked – I was in my rucksack. Mummy and Daddy had coffee at the shop next to our bookshop – lots of people stopped to fuss me. I wanted to get out of the rucksack but I’m not allowed yet. Daddy gave me some biscuit for being good. THEN Mummy and Daddy took me for a walk in my STROLLER. I tried to jump out and that made Mummy put a cover over the stroller. I could still see through the cover but I was glad to get back home so I could get out and play. (Mummy says I need to get used to it so I can go cycling!!)

Monday 4th August
Aunty Val and Uncle Ian came to visit. We played lots of games – one where everyone was in a circle and they each called my name and if I ran up to them they gave me a treat – sometimes there were more interesting things to do like having a scratch or sniffing the drainpipe – but most times I got a treat! We went for a walk with me in my rucksack. I like that now but only if I can stick my head out of the little hole to see where we’ve been.
Tuesday 5th August
Mummy & Daddy took me out again in the stroller – I tried to get out but couldn’t so I just cried till we got back home. I would like it if I could stick my head out like I do in my rucksack but Mummy said if I did that I would fall out! We went to Sonia’s house where I met another pussycat (he just rushed out of the house - why don’t pussy cats want to play with me?), Bruno growled at me again so I pretended not to notice and went to play with the pussycat’s toys.
Wed 6th August
I had a little girl, Maisie, come to play with me. I ran around her to let her know I liked her but that made her scream! So I just nibbled her toes instead which Mummy said was naughty. When she got used to me she played with some of my toys which was good fun. Then we went into the garden – she sat on the dustbin while I tried to jump up to reach her. That made her laugh! I liked Maisie.
Thurs 7th August
Another little walk in my stroller - Daddy didn’t put the cover on this time as he knows I don’t like it - but just as Mummy said - I fell out! Daddy is going to think of another plan to let me see out, then I shall like going out in it. In the garden I found a small black and yellow thing on the ground, I picked it up and IT HURT ME!!! Ouch! I cried so much Mummy took me to see the Vet Lady again. She looked at my mouth and gave me another jab and gave Mummy some pills to give to me. She said it was a Wosp what hurt me – Nasty Wosp! I don’t like Wosps. Later Mummy took me to the bookshop in my rucksack. Everyone loves me there and wants to play with me. Mummy took me to the roof garden cos she thought I wanted to wee – I did but I had to find just the right spot and as I was walking around I stepped in some horrid black sticky stuff! Euyuk! Daddy said it was TAR! He had used it to mend the roof. He tried to get it off my feet but some of it just stuck. Nasty yukky stuff! Bruno was in the shop – I wagged my tail ever such a lot and rolled over to show him I wanted to be friends and then he let me play with his toy snake

It’s HUGE and I had such a lot of trouble carrying it around – I kept tripping over it! Bruno played tug of’ war with me but he always won so I got fed-up with that and went to find Mummy to let her know I was ready to go home for dinner and sleep.
Mummy says I’d better stop now else there will be no space for anyone else! I’ve only told you about my first few days – I hope you liked my stories. I’ll be back soon!!
Contributed by Sammy Vallhund (With some help from Mummy)
(Published on 29th Oct 2014 )