Tintern in Flood - 2006
Here at Stella Books in Tintern, Monmouthshire we are fortunate to be able to work in such a beautiful environment - the River Wye winds through the village in graceful curves, wooded hillsides reach down to the lush river banks, and the famous ruins of Tintern Abbey rise imposingly to the south. But at certain times of the year this peaceful scene changes dramatically...
Left: The flood waters begin to creep across the A466.
The River Wye is tidal and the river level changes throughout the day accordingly. Normally these changes are relatively small and may not be noticed by the tourists who visit Tintern to enjoy the scenery and Abbey ruins, but at the spring tides the river level can overtop the banks and flood the adjacent fields - and buildings!
The floods start by inundating the fields opposite Stella Books and, if the waters continue to rise, the waters will come onto the main road through the village (A466). During the sping tides the level of water covering the road can vary from a couple of inches to a couple of feet - and residents keep a wary eye on weather conditions, and make sure that floodboards and sandbags are in place!
If the spring tides coincide with wet weather and a south-westerly wind, the flood level is likely to be its highest - and traffic on the road through Tintern is replaced by swans and ducks...

Above: Swans check out our flooded roadside sign!
Last week (March 30, 2006) saw one of the highest floods for a few years and the road was closed until the floodwaters had subsided as the tide turned - thankfully this is a short period of 30 - 40 minutes. Within a couple of hours it was hard to believe that the area had been underwater at all. Floodboards and sandbags can be returned to store once more - until the next spring tides in September and October!
(Published on 1st Oct 2006 )