Written by Derek Mills, David Piggins
Published by Croom Helm
in 1988
Written by Derek Mills, David Piggins.
Stock no. 2111454
Very good condition.
The Proceedings of the Third International Atlantic Salmon Symposium - held in Biarritz, France, 21-23 October 1986. Minimal bumping to spine. A couple of very small, light marks to covers. Erased pencil writing to front free-endpaper.
Front cover

- Session One: Salmon in an International Context
- 1. International co-operation through Nasco
- 2. The community's approach to international salmon management
- 3. The north American viewpoint
- Session Two: Status of Exploitation
- 4. Exploitation of the resource in France
- 5. The status of exploitation of salmon in England and Wales
- 6. Status of exploitation of Atlantic salmon in Scotland
- 7. Harvest and recent management of Atlantic salmon in Canada
- 8. Status of exploitation of Atlantic salmon in Norway
- 9. Exploitation of Atlantic salmon in Iceland
- 10. The Atlantic salmon in the rivers of Spain, with particular reference to Cantabria
- 11. The Atlantic salmon in Asturias, Spain: Analysis of catches, 1985-86. Inventory of juvenile densities
- 12. Exploitation of salmon in Ireland
- Session Three: Science and Management
- 13. Catch records - facts or myths?
- 14. Relating catch records to stock
- 15. The use of Leslie Matrices to assess the salmon population of the River Corrib
- 16. Relationship between Atlantic salmon smolts and adults in Canadian rivers
- 17. Measurement of Atlantic salmon spawning escapement
- 18. Stock enhancement of Atlantic salmon
- 19. Salmon enhancement: stock discreteness and choice of material for stocking
- 20. Atlantic salmon in an extensive french river-system; the Loire-Allier
- 21. The restoration of the Jacques-Cartier: a major challenge and a collective pride
- 22. Atlantic salmon restoration in the Connecticut River
- 23. An anglers' point of view
- Session Four: Ocean life of salmon
- 24. Exploitation and migration of salmon on the high seas, in relation to Greenland
- 25. Exploitation and migration of salmon in Faroses waters
- 26. Ocean life of Atlantic salmon in the northwest Atlantic
- 27. Future investigations on the ocean life of salmon
- Session Five: Illegal exploitation
- 28. The impact of illegal fishing on salmon stocks in the Foyle area
- 29. The Indian Atlantic salmon fishery on the Restigouche River: illegal fishing or aboriginal right?
- 30. Illegal net fishing for salmon in Norway
- Closing address: Stewards of the Salmon
- Summary and Reccomendations
- Index