Orlando the Marmalade Cat by Kathleen Hale
Orlando is a gorgeous marmalade cat with gooseberry-green eyes. Orlando, his wife Grace (a tabby cat) and their three children – snow-white Blanche, tortoiseshell Pansy and little black Tinkle – frolicked through some nineteen tales between the late 1930s and early 1970s, including a 360 degree 'peep-show' book.
Kathleen Hale was a British author-illustrator, born in Scotland in 1898. She was a freelance artist before publishing the first of her ‘Orlando’ books, Orlando the Marmalade Cat: A Camping Holiday, in 1938.
She died in 2000. Her autobiography, A Slender Reputation, appeared in 1994.
Orlando's Country Peepshow (a 360 degree peep-show book)