Edward Burra
You are viewing stock written by "Edward Burra". We currently have 1 book by this author in stock.
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Written by Edward Burra; William Chappell.
Illustrated by Edward Burra.
Stock no. 1829530
Published by Gordon Fraser Gallery.
Very good condition in a almost very good dustwrapper.
Edward Burra was an artist best known for his depictions of the urban underworld, black culture and the harlem scene of the 1930s. This is a volume of letters sent to friends over half a century, from his teens in the early 1920s to his death in 1976. The letters are wonderfully extravagant concoctions of fun and fantasy, commenting wittily or acidly on the latest films, books, or stage productions and on the lives of his friends and acquaintances. Edited by William Chappell. Blue cloth boards, gilt title to spine. B/w photos & illustrations. 224 pages including index. ISBN: 0860920763. Lower edge of boards lightly faded. Contents clean. Pictorial dustwrapper is heavily faded and browned, a few marks.