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Written by John F. Layson.
Stock no. 1829754
Published by The Tyne Publishing Company Limited. 1st 1881. Almost very good condition.

Centenary-Memorial of George Stephenson, the aim of which is to place a narrative of Stephenson's true connection with the Locomotive and the Railway, along with the leading facts in his eventful career, in the hands of many who may have neither the time nor opportunity for the perusal of a larger work on the subject. Small format. Dark green cloth boards, gilt titles. Portrait of the man to frontis. 128 pages. Boards darkened, marked and stained. Corners lightly worn. Presentation plate to front pastedown. Contents a little grubby. Front hinge pulled, rear hinge pulled wide, exposing webbing and staples but binding is tight. Overall, a good working copy.

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