Susan Buckingham
You are viewing stock written by "Susan Buckingham". We currently have 1 book by this author in stock.
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Written by Susan Buckingham; Mike Turner.
Stock no. 1710857
Published by Sage Publications.
Very good condition.
This book explains clearly and concisely the science and social science necessary to understand environmental issues using learning outcomes, text boxes, tables and figures throughout. It describes - in section one- the philosophies, values, politics, and technologies which contribute to the production of environmental issues. Section two uses cases on climate change, waste, food, and natural hazards to provide detailed illustration and exemplification of the ideas described in section one. Edited by Buckingham and Turner. Cardwraps. B/w photos & diagrams. xii and 274 pages including index. ISBN: 9781761942368. Light stain to vertical edge of text block. A few top corner creases. Else a nice, clean copy.