David McKay
You are viewing stock published by "David McKay". We currently have 2 books by this publisher in stock.
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No author listed.
Illustrated by Henriette Willebeek Le Mair.
Stock no. 1329206
Published by Augener Ltd.; David McKay.
Very good condition in a very good dustwrapper.
No. 1 of "Old Nursery Rhymes". Small oblong format. Floral decorated boards with circular illustration to front. Pretty colour pictures throughout. Very slight fading to covers. Contents clean. White dustwrapper is slightly grubby. This edition undated but believe it to be an early edition with 10 colour illustrations (the first edition had 12).
No author listed.
Illustrated by Henriette Willebeek Le Mair.
Stock no. 2131552
Published by Augener Ltd.; David McKay.
Very good condition.
No. 1 of "Old Nursery Rhymes". Small oblong format. Floral decorated boards with circular illustration to front. Pretty colour pictures throughout. Uneven browning/marks to covers. Light bumping to corners. Foxing to outer page edges.