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by Derek Mills; David Piggins

Published by Croom Helm. Circa. 1988

Very good condition. The Proceedings of the Third International Atlantic Salmon Symposium - held in Biarritz, France, 21-23 October 1986.

Minimal bumping to spine. A couple of very small, light marks to covers. Erased pencil writing to front free-endpaper.

Stock no. 2111454

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  • Session One: Salmon in an International Context
  • 1. International co-operation through Nasco
  • 2. The community's approach to international salmon management
  • 3. The north American viewpoint
  • Session Two: Status of Exploitation
  • 4. Exploitation of the resource in France
  • 5. The status of exploitation of salmon in England and Wales
  • 6. Status of exploitation of Atlantic salmon in Scotland
  • 7. Harvest and recent management of Atlantic salmon in Canada
  • 8. Status of exploitation of Atlantic salmon in Norway
  • 9. Exploitation of Atlantic salmon in Iceland
  • 10. The Atlantic salmon in the rivers of Spain, with particular reference to Cantabria
  • 11. The Atlantic salmon in Asturias, Spain: Analysis of catches, 1985-86. Inventory of juvenile densities
  • 12. Exploitation of salmon in Ireland
  • Session Three: Science and Management
  • 13. Catch records - facts or myths?
  • 14. Relating catch records to stock
  • 15. The use of Leslie Matrices to assess the salmon population of the River Corrib
  • 16. Relationship between Atlantic salmon smolts and adults in Canadian rivers
  • 17. Measurement of Atlantic salmon spawning escapement
  • 18. Stock enhancement of Atlantic salmon
  • 19. Salmon enhancement: stock discreteness and choice of material for stocking
  • 20. Atlantic salmon in an extensive french river-system; the Loire-Allier
  • 21. The restoration of the Jacques-Cartier: a major challenge and a collective pride
  • 22. Atlantic salmon restoration in the Connecticut River
  • 23. An anglers' point of view
  • Session Four: Ocean life of salmon
  • 24. Exploitation and migration of salmon on the high seas, in relation to Greenland
  • 25. Exploitation and migration of salmon in Faroses waters
  • 26. Ocean life of Atlantic salmon in the northwest Atlantic
  • 27. Future investigations on the ocean life of salmon
  • Session Five: Illegal exploitation
  • 28. The impact of illegal fishing on salmon stocks in the Foyle area
  • 29. The Indian Atlantic salmon fishery on the Restigouche River: illegal fishing or aboriginal right?
  • 30. Illegal net fishing for salmon in Norway
  • Closing address: Stewards of the Salmon
  • Summary and Reccomendations
  • Index

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