Adventure - 3
Moving Day. We leave the Algarve and head for the Alentejo. The Good News is we've arrived safely on a beautiful small site (10 motorhomes only) but what a start! As Cliff bumped down off the pitch quite early in the morning the trailer alarm went off, VERY loudly. Very mysterious as the trailer alarm never worked and Cliff had disconnected it! Then we found where the noise was coming from - the external fridge panel. Open Sesame ! and what's hidden there..the Tracker which we'd forgotten about! Obviously the bump down set off some sensor which fired off the alarm, fortunately we've not activated it so we didn't have the police turn up - only every bleary eyed camper for miles around.
Nearer the campsite Gary, the owner, had advised against the direct route, over a "mountain", and so we followed a 30 mile diversion and as we ascend a long hill - police pull us over (visions of another fine). This was a document check, warning triangles, hi viz jackets. Eventually after much hunting we found vehicle reg, insurance, passports, driving licence and we're on our way again.
We arrive at the entrance to the campsite, we're in a narrow road the entrance turns back on us, the walls are granite way. Gary (very very helpful ) says well the other fifth wheels just turned straight in. It turns out they were slightly smaller Celtic Ramblers. So with him on board we head a mile down the (narrowing) road to turning point, come back and swing in with inches to spare. But now because of the trees scattered about it's virtually impossible to manoeuvre. Six years later and a five hundred point reverse, much helpful shouting of "TREE" from fellow campers and with a few branches hanging from Brian...we Make IT.
It's a very nice but basic site, electric hookup but no other services on the pitch but we have been spoilt. Our pitch is just by the entrance, plenty of room with a small stream running down one side (hope it doesn’t flood!). The fields of wild flowers we saw on the journey were sublime, indescribably beautiful.
Back at Brian – another panic! The fridge keeps beeping. What now? We try switching everything else off. Still beeping. We try switching it to gas then back to electric. Still beeping. Has the transformer packed up? If so how the …. do we get it fixed? If we use gas it will get through a bottle a week! Aaaarrgh! Then, Gary to the rescue – the voltage in the whole area is rubbish – so it’s not us, it’s the site supply. Phew When everyone is cooking it’s down and the fridge being on a transformer doesn’t like it. Whether we can stick the beeping is another matter but at least it’s not broken!
A beautiful day. We spent the morning exploring Marvao – a medieval village and castle set on top of a nearby hill. A stunning place and stunning scenery. When we saw the entrance to the village we thought we’re not going to get the truck through there – two arches offset from each other! But we did get through – very slowly. We walked all around on top of the castle walls (health and safety - eat your heart out!) and through the tiny village streets. Marvao is marvellous!
Another sunny day so a visit to Castelo Da Vide, another hilltop town, just 20 minutes away, with a castle and tiny narrow streets to explore. Lots of shops although you wouldn’t know they are shops – they look just like ordinary houses except the doors are open! Lunch at a quaint café in one of the squares, going inside was just like going back 50 years, reminded us of our early cycling days in France.
Had our first Portuguese lesson with Joao today – very nice young man, Portuguese of course! Went to his flat in the village. He made us work on our pronunciation – written Portuguese is fairly easy to guess at but to listen to it you’d think it was Russian – all the shzs and zzzs. I think he will be good for us. Back to Pau da Canela for dinner – this time turkey, watercress and chips (rice off!) Cliff is in seventh heaven!
Weather looked promising so went for a 7 mile walk today. Lovely views of Marvao on its hilltop. Almond blossom still out here although it’s over in the Algarve. Part of the walk crossed a delightful little river via stepping stones. Cliff went first (as usual). Sammy tried to come through the water but thought better of it and decided to try the stepping stones. Heart in mouth time – the river was running quite fast and the stones were only just wide enough for Sammy to land on each one. Cliff turned just as he reached the end and managed to grab him before he fell in! Sammy was much braver than me with my rubbish sense of balance - I was convinced I would fall in and dithered on the first stone until Cliff came back and helped me across!
Cliff has had toothache for a couple of days. Gary recommended a dentist in Castelo Da Vide so Cliff went for a checkup. Two nice Dutch lady dentists who thankfully speak English! Couldn’t see anything obviously wrong so asked him to go to Portalegre for an x-ray. Off we went, found the place, Cliff was seen straight away, the xray only took a few minutes and he walked out with the photograph! Why can’t the NHS be as efficient?? While in Portalegre we had another look for a way to get to the Kingdom Hall. After going around in circles for a while Cliff decided the best way was to stick to the main ring road, try and find a car park and for me to walk in from there. Finally found somewhere suitable so now I’m sorted for getting to the Sunday meeting (I hope!)
Into Castelo Da Vide first thing to take Cliff’s x-ray to the dentist. After much discussion in Dutch (nervewracking when you can’t understand what’s being said about you!) they thought it was a tooth pressing on the facial nerve causing the problem. So – file down the tooth was the answer, no anaesthetic needed. Then when she used the blower thingy and Cliff hit the ceiling she discovered there is a more fundamental problem so back to the dentist for more treatment for Cliff next Tuesday! We had a coffee in the square and another look around the town – beautiful tiling everywhere. Lots of shops which you don’t realise are shops - there are very few shop windows and no signage, the only way you know a shop is a shop and not a house is if the door is open! In the picture the door on the right is a clothing shop and on the left is a hardware shop – admit it - you’d never have guesse
Rain first thing but we decided to set off out in the truck. Took the road up the hill opposite Castelo De Vide. First track we walked up gave us this panoramic view – marvellous. Rain stopped by now so explored another couple of trails, one led up to a tiny church perched on top of a crag and the other led to a take-off place for hang gliders. Wonderful views all around of the Alentejo plain and guess what – four (yes four!) Griffon vultures using the thermals to ascend, such powerful birds they were out of sight within minutes. Very exciting! All we want now is to see is an Eagle Owl!
This afternoon I drove myself into Portalegre and went to the meeting at the Kingdom Hall. I was half an hour early but the hall was open when I got there so, with some trepidation I went in, wondering how I would get on if No-One spoke English! Needn’t have worried, although the brothers I met first spoke no English they were obviously delighted to see me and made me feel very welcome. Beautiful little Kingdom Hall. Met several lovely sisters who could speak English so was able to introduce myself sensibly. Didn’t understand very much of the public talk but with the aid of the Portuguese magazine I had downloaded onto my Ipad, I was able to follow the Watchtower Study. Back at Brian, Cliff had cooked a yummy tea. An hour of Bible reading with Elaine, my sister, over Skype and my day was complete!
Contributed by Chris & Cliff
(Published on 2nd Mar 2013 )