Amy Le Feuvre
You are viewing stock written by "Amy Le Feuvre". We currently have 2 books by this author in stock.
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Written by Amy Le Feuvre.
Stock no. 1328178
Published by Pickering & Inglis.
Very good condition in a almost very good dustwrapper.
Crystal Series. Blue cloth, black titles and vignettes. Colour frontis, 4 b/w plates. 191 pages. Spine slightly bumped. Prize plate to front free-endpaper. Foxing to prelims and textblock. Dustwrapper is price-cut and edge worn/torn with slight loss.
Price: £12.00 £9.60.
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Written by Amy Le Feuvre.
Stock no. 1319575
Published by Pickering & Inglis.
Very good condition in a good dustwrapper.
Red Cord Series of interesting and instructive stories. "The story of three maidens Charity, Hope, and Faith. Blue cloth, black title to spine, red title to front cover. Colour frontis and 3 b/w plates. 207 pages. Spine bumped. Two plates are detached but still present. Foxing to textblock. Dustwrapper is edge chipped and slightly grubby with a small peice missing to lower edge of rear panel.
Price: £34.00 £27.20.
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