Otto J. Seiler
You are viewing stock written by "Otto J. Seiler". We currently have 1 book by this author in stock.
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Written by Otto J. Seiler.
Stock no. 1829510
Published by Verlag E.S. Mittler & Sohn.
Slightly better than very good condition in a very good dustwrapper.
German Liner Shipping to Latin America, the Caribbean and the West Coast of North America down the years. Published to mark the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus, this book gives the full account of the story of German liner shipping from its earliest beginnings up to the present. Large format. Orange boards, white titles. Colour & b/w illustrations and photos. 265 pages. ISBN: 3813204057. Lower edge of boards lightly knocked. Contents clean. White pictorial dustwrapper is lightly scuffed.