The King's England Press
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Written by Owen Jordan.
Stock no. 1809715
Published by The King's England Press.
Nearly fine condition.
From the railway's origins as a crude horse-and-gravity means of getting coal tubs from the pit head to the canal basin, through the eventual mastery of technical problems by "derring-do", industrial espionage and experiments, the coming of commercial interest, and the almost inevitable resulting clash between what was best for the railways, and what was most profitable for the shareholders, the author then charts the drastic impact of the two world wars, the struggle to innovate through the balmy but becalmed days of the 1930s, and the inevitability of the advent of British Railways and with it the end of the steam age... Cardwraps. B/w line-drawings. ISBN: 1872438709. Corners lightly rubbed, contents fine.