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Written by Henry Alken. Illustrated by Henry Alken.
Stock no. 1804390
Published by Thos. McLean. 1st 1822. Almost very good condition.

Volume 1 (all published). Large oblong format. Three quarters burgundy leather with cloth sides. 42 handcoloured plates including title page by Alken, many in his sporting/equine style. Marbled endpapers. All edges gilt. Includes Symptoms of a Preface page. Boards worn, faded and marked. Joints cracked but binding still tight. Inscription in ink to verso of first blank page. 41 of 42 hand coloured plates present. Frontis has been expertly repaired/relined. Probably a rebound copy as the tissue guards have watermark dating 1865. Plates wonderfully bright but grubby marks to margins and slightly affecting plates. Overall a nice copy of a weird and wonderful item!

Price: £990.00 £792.00.

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