Eleanor B. Simeon
You are viewing stock written by "Eleanor B. Simeon". We currently have 1 book by this author in stock.
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Written by Madeline Barnes; Eleanor B. Simeon; Evelyn Smith; Natalie Joan; et al.
Illustrated by Alfred Bestall; Hilda Cowham; Harry Rountree; Florence Mary Anderson; S.G. Hulme Beaman; et al..
Stock no. 1506891
Published by Blackie & Son Ltd..
Slightly better than good condition.
Pictorial front cover shows three children, rocking horse and dog, black titles. Colour plates, plus colour, tint and b/w illustrations. 200 pages. First story - Tommy's Topper by Madeline Barnes. Spine bumped, worn and grubby with a vertical crease from top to bottom. Corners and cover edges worn. Covers grubby. Rear joint and a couple of hinges cracked. Ink inscription in To box on front endpaper and 1930 written to verso of frontis. A few marks to contents but most pages are clean. A little foxing.
Price: £30.00 £24.00.